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11th Corps, 3rd Division, 1st Brigade
Army USA
Corps 11
Division 3
Brigade 1
Commander Brig. Gen. A. Schimmelfennig
Location West Howard Avenue, Gettysburg Plain
Brig. Gen. Alex Schimmelfennig
Col. George Von Amsberg
82D Illinois 45th 157th NewYork
61st Ohio 74th Pennsylvania Infantry

July 1. Arrived 1 P. M. and advanced to connect with the right of First Corps on Oak Hill but was met by heavy artillery and musketry fire and after being engaged between two and three hours and pressed closely upon the front and flank by superior numbers the Brigade was compelled to retire with the Corps at 4 P. M. through the town to Cemetery Hill. The streets and alleys of the town became congested with the mass of infantry and artillery and many were captured. The Brigade formed and took position on Cemetery Hill between the First and Second Divisions of the corps.

July 2. At 4 P. M. the Brigade was subjected to a heavy artillery fire converging on Cemetery Hill. At dark a sudden attack was made on the right and the Brigade was sent to the support of Brig. Gen. A. Ames and returned after midnight except the 74th Penna. which remained under the command of Brig. Gen. Ames.

July 3. Skirmishing not engaged.

Casualties Killed 8 Officers 50 Men Wounded 20 Officers 276 Men Captured or Missing 28 Officers 425 Men Total 807

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